
Cold- and Flu-Proof Yourself this Summer with BETADINE Oral & Nasal Care Products

Colds and the flu are among the six common diseases that you need to watch out for this season.

The best way to protect yourself against colds and flu is by getting your daily recommended dose of vitamins and minerals, as this helps keep your body’s immune system in tiptop shape, which in turn makes it more effective when it comes to fighting diseases.

Another way to boost your body’s immune system is adequate sleep. In 2019, researchers at the University of Tübingen in Germany found that a good night’s sleep improves the body’s T cells, which fight diseases caused by viruses such as colds and the flu.

Staying hydrated is also a great way to help your body fight off diseases. Because water helps carry oxygen to cells in the body, adequate hydration ensures that every organ in your body works properly, including those responsible for immunity such as the bone marrow, lymph nodes, thymus, and spleen.

Frequent handwashing can also help keep colds and flu at bay. Disease-causing germs can thrive on any surface we frequently touch like doorknobs or elevator buttons. The best way to prevent yourself from contracting disease this way is by washing your hands properly and frequently.

While prevention is better than cure, it’s always good to be prepared for the worst. Aside from taking these preventive measures, it also helps to stay ready with your own oral gargle, nasal spray, and throat spray in hand just in case the cold or flu hits, so you can fight it off before it gets worse.

For quick-acting oral protection against colds and flu, use Povidone-Iodine (BETADINE®) Gargle and Mouthwash, which has been proven to kill a wide spectrum of viruses, fungi and bacteria in as early as 30 seconds. When on-the-go and you need a throat remedy that works fast, use Povidone-Iodine (BETADINE®) Throat Spray, which can kill viruses in as early as 15 seconds. If you want to immediately recover from a cold, use BETADINE® Cold Defense Nasal Spray, which can reduce its duration by up to two days, when used at the first signs of colds.

Always keep these in hand and you’ll never have to worry about your gimmick plans getting ruined because of a cold or the flu!


Written by dotdailydose




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